Safeguarding Policy

We, the Members of HCA will adhere to the policies laid down by GNAS (AGB) in the Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult Policy, a summary of which is detailed below;

  • We will not tolerate bullying.
  • A Parent of Guardian should always be present whilst a Junior is shooting.
  • Supervision of Juniors will always remain the responsibility of the Parent or Guardian. It is not reasonable to expect another member of the Club to assume responsibility for any Junior other than their own child.
  • All Coaches and those responsible for the Child Protection Policies with the club will undergo a screening process.
  • Any complaint made about a member of the Club will be dealt with in a sympathetic and confidential manner.
  • If a Junior has a medical condition that may interfere with their being coached, they should please inform one of the Coaches who will be able to advise the best course of action. This will be dealt with confidentiality.
  • Any photography taken at the Club that may include the photographs of Juniors should be logged, and a record kept by the Hon. Secretary, as there is evidence to suggest that photographs of Juniors at sporting in events are sometimes later manipulated and added to child pornography websites.
  • We will not allow the use of offensive language, and will always challenge it.
  • A Junior should not be taken alone on a car journey by any Member of the Club, other than by that child’s Parent or Guardian.
  • The personal life of Club Members should be respected, regardless of their age.
  • A Member should not engage in rough, physical or sexually suggestive games with a Junior member.
  • Any physical contact between a Member of the Club and a Junior should be performed;
    • in an open and non threatening manner and;
    • kept to an absolute minimum.
  • Physical contact should only be performed when absolutely necessary and with the express permission of both the Junior and the Parent or Guardian.
  • We will not make sexually suggestive comments – especially not to or in the presence of
  • A Junior should not be reduced to tears as a form of control.
  • All allegations of abuse irrespective of how trivial they may seem must be reported to either the Child Protection Officer (CPO) or deputy as soon as possible – see telephone numbers below/on the next
  • Any accident should be reported.
  • It is the responsibility of every Member of the Club to ensure the safety and well being of every other Member whilst participating.

If you suspect that a young or vulnerable person is being abused either within the Club or outside, please inform someone. The worst possible thing you can do is to ignore it.

Some useful contact numbers are;

  • Club Safeguarding Officer (CSO) – Nic Corden. Tel. 01992 538 903 / 07966 038 142. Nic can also be contacted on email at
  • NSPCC Helpline – 0808 800 5000
  • Childline – 0800 1111
  • Child Protection in Sport Unit – 0116 234 7278/7280
  • The Albany Trust – 0208 767 1827
  • Police (non emergency) – 101